Oxytel Club & Resort offers you a wide array of facilities & services we serve best to our guests. We offer the finest accommodation and services according to the needs and requirements of our guests, our services and facilities are hassle-free no compromise in quality. Your trust makes us serve you best, pamper yourself with the luxury and royal treatment of our resort.
- For The Comfort -
- Free Wi-Fi
- Outdoor / Indoor Dining
- Multicuisine Restaurant
- 24 Hrs Power Backup
- Party Lawn
- Car Parking Area
- Barbecue & Bonfire
- Free Cycling
- Laundry Services
- Vehicle Wash
- CCTV Camera
- 24 Hrs Running Hot Water
- For The Memories -
- A Tiny World of Children Park
- Witness Tribal Dance
- Badminton For Health & Happiness
- Bonfire / BBQ Night with Music
- Sit By the Endless Murti River
- Nature Walk with Guide
- Enjoy Freshwater Fish of Teesta
- Fresh & Organic Food
- Tour Assistance
- Car Rental Facility